Monday, 13 September 2010

Day 1 - the chaos begins

I arrived today with mixed emotions about the future that lies ahead of me. Part of me was riddled with anxiety about the challenges that await me. The other part was excited to see if I was up to the task and keen to get going.

We were rushed to our accomodation and dropped off our kit, the mass piles of bags and an impressively long line of ironing boards were a sight to see. We said our goodbyes and the admin started. We were split into companies and platoons and got to meet our colour sergeants for the first time. Ours was a laid back Scot from the 4th scotts. We spent the next 8 hours being forcefed a huge amount of information which we all did our bests to remember. We were then given a couple of hours to complete some tasks for the next day, which took me up until now, 01.30.

It's been busy, or emotional as our colour sergeant would say, but an enlightening day none the less. And I've met some really good blokes too. Tomorrow the real work starts, and at 5.30 I might add!

I hope everyone is well, I am thinking of you all.

If you want to send me letters and/or parcels (and please do) the address is

30046643, OCdt McCrea
8 Platoon
Burma Coy
The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

That's all for now!


  1. Good luck man! Just think you're getting paid now!!
